Pen Pal Scheme

CarerLinks Carer Portal
Supporting Carers to Live Well
Carers Pen Pal Scheme
We understand that being a carer can be lonely at times and lead to feelings of isolation. These feelings can affect a carers mental well-being which could lead to more complications in the future.
Our CarerLinks team have kept in touch with the carers we support and offered many digital ways to communicate with others through our virtual groups, however, sometimes you just want to take some timeout to write a letter or email to someone who understands first hand what you are going through.
This is why we’ve created the Carers Pen Pal Scheme.
How to join Carers Pen Pal Scheme
Complete the form to let us know you are interested in finding a pen pal.
Once we’ve received your request to join the scheme we can start to match you to a suitable pen pal based on your interests.
We will keep your details on file and when a suitable match comes along we will get in touch.
No contact details will be shared, all letters/emails will go to a central hub to be passed on to your penpal.
This scheme is open to all carers in the UK.
Quotes From Our Pen Pals
‘I am still in touch with my pen pal, we are becoming good friends. We have a good chat to each other about things you can’t moan to your family about, and are interested in each other’s situation. It’s good to know other folk go through difficulties too, you feel less as though it’s only happening to you.’ – Sandra, Carer
‘Myself and Sandra are still penpalling, she has become a lovely friend. It is so lovely to be able to chat to someone that’s in the same situation as myself so she understands better. Thank you for putting us together.’ – Donna, Carer
‘I am still in contact with my pen pal and I find it a really nice experience to be able to speak with someone who shares the same understandings and experiences without judgement. Due to being busy it can be a while between exchanges but we both understand and just reply as and when we can. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to others.’ – Jenny, Carer
‘I am still corresponding with my penfriend and we both have benefited from your Pen Pal Scheme during some difficult times. The Pen Pal Scheme is an important service you provide and it will help many carers to find they are not alone.’ – Carol, Carer