Carers Forum

CarerLinks Carer Portal
Supporting Carers to Live Well
Carers Forum
We understand that caring for a loved one can be a rewarding experience, but highly stressful too. Carers spend their entire lives putting others first, and as a result can often end up feeling insignificant, isolated and ignored. Feelings of failure and anger and of constant worry are common.
Our vision within the Carers Service is for unpaid carer’s voices to be represented, valued and involved ensuring support services are carer focused promoting positive health and well-being. We want to provide carers with a collective voice and to provide the reassurance that someone is listening. Just knowing that someone cares can be a lifeline.
With this in mind, we have developed the Carers Link Up Forum
How to Join the Carers Forum
Complete the form to let us know you are interested in joining the forum.
It’s an online forum so you will need to have access to a smart phone or laptop, with a camera.
Once we’ve received your request to join, we will email you with further details.
We will keep your details on file and contact you about forum dates and topics for discussion.
If for some reason you can’t attend the forum, you can still send some thoughts or questions to be raised.
This forum is open to all carers in the UK.