Online Courses

CarerLinks Carer Portal
Supporting Carers to Live Well
Being a carer can sometimes mean you have very little time to do anything else. Studying online could be a great option as you can work around your needs.
There are a range of different courses you can find online, whether it’s to help build your confidence in caring or to benefit your own skills, there will be something for you.
Many of the courses that are listed below are free, making them even more accessible to anyone who may be interested.
Caring for Adults Course
This course is for anyone in a caring role, unpaid or paid. It will give you more of an understanding on skills you probably already have, as well as helping with your own wellbeing and looking after your own body.
It is delivered by OpenLearn and is completely free.
To find out more details on how to enter for this course you can visit the OpenLearn website here.
Digital Skills
You can also access courses that help with online skills such as using a computer, accessing social media and working a mobile phone. These courses could also be great for the person you are caring for as it could enable them to book online appointments or contact you via mobile easier.
TechBoomers have a variety of different courses that aid with learning all things digital. These courses are free to use whenever you like. To find out more you can visit the website here.
Learn My Way also offer some free courses on how to use a computer, send emails, browse the web and find work online. You can view more about these courses here.
Other Online Courses
OpenLearn have a wide variety of other courses on their website. You can browse through a range of different subjects to find something that you think will be suitable for you. These courses are mainly free.
LearnDirect also offer a range of courses, there are also some free courses on there that you can complete.
Future Learn have a range of courses that are created by universities and other specialist organisations. You can find free courses to complete here.
Vision2learn is another great example where you can find free course to complete. You can view the website here.